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Should I stay or should I go?
Lesley A. Rowe's article for the 2014 Churchman examines the choices of two 16th and 17th century Anglican ministers.
The Global Anglican and Churchman
The Global Anglican and Churchman archive.
Theology Thursday: Walking the tightrope of evangelical unity
Should evangelicals continue in the Church of England? In what circumstances would it be right to leave? These questions seem to be ever more pressing for Anglican evangelicals today, yet they are by no means new questions.
Theology Thursday: Positively evangelical
In 1997, Mark Thompson wrote in Churchman: 'If I am not mistaken there is a concerted attempt being made at present to redefine what it means to be an evangelical Christian. A number of prominent people around the world are trying to broaden the term, to encompass a variety of perspectives which were once quite alien to evangelical thought and practice.'