Resources from Church Society

Also includes resources from Church Society staff and from the Reform archives.

Complementarianism in Practice, audio-only version of True Complementarianism and Complementarianism in Our Churches from Ros Clarke and Kirsty Birkett


Complementarian Ministry in the Local Church, Andrea Ruddick

Overflowing with Ministry Opportunities, Jane Tooher

Reforming Women’s Ministry, Ros Clarke

Podcast: Co-Workers

‘Principles of Flourishing?’, ‘What does Flourishing Mean?’, Flourishing after the consecration of women bishops‘, ‘Withering on the Vine‘, Lee Gatiss

Guides to Flourishing

Podcast: Youth Work | Mutual Flourishing

The Essence of Feminism (Matthias Media), Kirsten Birkett

From the Reform archives:

Male and Female, Mark Burkill

Passing a Resolution under the House of Bishops’ declaration, Rod Thomas

Understanding Complementarianism

The listed resources reflect a range of views along a complementarian spectrum, and the listed works do not represent a single Church Society ‘line’. It is assumed that church leaders will exercise their own judgment in deciding which resources to recommend in their particular context.  Inclusion in this list does not imply endorsement.
Beautiful Difference, Andrew Wilson

God’s Design for Women: Biblical Womanhood for Today, 2007, Sharon James.

Different by design: God’s blueprint for men and women Christian Focus, 2012, Carrie Sandom

God’s Good Design: What the Bible really says about men and women Matthias Media, 2nd edition, 2022, Claire Smith

Positive Complementarianism: the Key Biblical Texts (Latimer Trust, 2014, Ben Cooper

Women, Creation and the Fall (1990, Mary Kassian

The Gender Agenda: Discovering God’s Plan for Church Leadership (IVP, 2010, Lis Goddard and Clare Hendry

Two Views on Women in Ministry Zondervan 2001; revised edition, 2005, Beck and Blomberg

What is the case against Women’s Ordination? Alastair Roberts

THINK conference on the future of complementarity, Andrew Wilson, Alastair Roberts, Hannah Anderston

The Complementarian Jigsaw, Graham Beynon

Equal but Different

The Church, Women Bishops and Provision: the integrity of orthodox objections to the proposed legislation allowing women bishops, ed. P. Giddings et al. (Latimer Trust, 2011)

Encouraging women in ministry

The listed resources reflect a range of views along a complementarian spectrum, and the listed works do not represent a single Church Society ‘line’. It is assumed that church leaders will exercise their own judgment in deciding which resources to recommend in their particular context.  Inclusion in this list does not imply endorsement.
The Mary Vere Fund supports complementarian women training for non-ordained ministry in the Church of England.

The Co-Workers network offers support and fellowship for complementarian women in Anglican ministry

Word-filled women’s ministry: loving and serving the church (Crossway, 2015, G. Furman and K. B. Nielson (eds.),

Women of the Word, Jen Wilkin