Fellowship of Word and Spirit Conference

For many Christians, the rapidly changing culture and the growth of false teaching within the church have pressed home a sense of being strangers in this world. Our Bible readings from 1 Peter will teach and train us, as God’s treasured possession, to live holy lives in this hostile world. Other sessions will consider how to be light in the darkness, how to face the fiery trial, and how to live well in exile.
Kirsten Birkett will take on the challenges of contemporary moral philosophy which is overshadowed by questions of identity, personhood and trends such as intersectionality, showing us how to reassert the principles of biblical authority.
Keith Sinclair will give us theological perspectives on Christian living, holiness and suffering.
Neil Robbie will share lessons for today from sociological, biblical and historical perspectives as we feel squeezed out to the margins of society.
The Fellowship of Word and Spirit conference is committed to reformed theology and its application to the whole of life, and we seek to encourage and help each other wrestle with its challenges. We aim for genuine fellowship, with plenty of time for spiritual encouragement and prayer, for cultivating friendships old and new, and for resting from the usual frantic pace of ministry.