Junior Anglican Evangelical Conference

In a time of constantly moving goal-posts, pastoral uncertainty and doctrinal shifts, it is vital for us to know who and what we are truly committed to in our ministry. This year’s JAEC will focus on our commitments to Christ, to his truth and his people, and in that context, our commitment to the Church of England.
The seminars are designed to help us consider more of the practical implications of these issues:
• Oaths and ordinations
• Selection and training
• Ministry and marriage
• Women in the church
• Sabbaths and sabbaticals
Resources from previous conferences
- 2024: Commitment
- 2023: The Church for England
- 2022: The Household of God
- 2021: Living in Mercy and Grace
- 2020: Anglican Essentials
- 2019: The Future Starts Now
- 2018: The Gospel in the Parish
- 2017: Reforming and Renewing the Church
- 2016: Reach, Build, Send
- 2015: Feed My Sheep
- 2014: The Effective Anglican
- 2013: Confident and Equipped
Established by John Richardson in 2011, Church Society has hosted this conference since 2014. It is specifically for those who are ‘junior’, that is anyone considering ministry in the Church of England, lay or ordained, through training, curacy and the first few years of incumbency or the equivalent. The conference aims to help anyone in that category be more effective as an Anglican Evangelical, making the most of every opportunity to reach the lost for Jesus, build up the church through his word, and send workers into God’s harvest field. JAEC is usually held in the last week of August.