The Global Anglican is Church Society's quarterly theological journal, established in 1879 as The Churchman.
Churchman was relaunched in September 2020 as The Global Anglican. The Churchman archive is available here and is now also available through the ATLASerials Database.

Summer 2020
The Summer 2020 edition of Churchman is now published (Vol 134/2). This edition’s contents include the following articles.
The Last Enemy (Peter Jensen)
Plagues and Protestants (Mark Earngey)
The Purging of Purgatory and the Exclusion of the Apocrypha during England’s Reformation (Tim Patrick)
A Theology of Care: Connecting the Present and the Eternal (Graham J. O’Brien)
“With their Salvation He Will be Fully Satisfied”: George Whitefield, Particular Redemption, and the Proclamation of the Gospel (Joel Houston)
Subscriptions to Churchman are £27 a year (£19 for students) in the UK. Subscribe here. Or purchase single editions here.
Copies of the books reviewed in this issue of Churchman are available to purchase from our 10ofThose partnership page.