In many places church revitalisation could be the best way to reach local people with the good news of Jesus.

In some places it might be the only way.

In partnership with ReNew, Church Society is hosting this series of bi-monthly webinars to connect, encourage and equip people in this ministry. Revitalisation ministry can be challenging and isolating, but God is calling more and more people to do it. If you are one of those people, or you are thinking about it, or you just want to know more about it, please join us.

Find out more about our Network of Revitalisation Ministries.

Next webinar

The Alliance and Us?

Welcome to the NoRM (Network of Revitalisation Ministries) Webinar to meet The Alliance (no, not the Star Wars one!).

We’re delighted that Sarah Jackson, one of the five directors of The Alliance and CEO of The Church Revitalisation Trust (CRT), has agreed to speak and take questions at our next webinar. PLEASE NOTE THE LATER THAN USUAL START TIME OF 1:30PM!

The plan is to have a Bible talk from Lee Gatiss, encouraging us from the Pastoral Epistles to Fulfil our Ministry (his new book!) followed by a talk from Sarah and Q&As.

She will talk partly about her work with the CRT to encourage us with all the Lord is doing through the HTB networks. But Sarah will talk mainly about where we are at, what is happening and then what The Alliance can do to support what are, for most of us, small, weak and often not united-on-the-Bible parishes represented by NoRM. The feeling is that, though NoRM guys are very supportive of, and thrilled by, The Alliance, for most of you you’re a few years away from being sufficiently united as a parish to join a new de-facto province, at least not without risk of significant upset or even splits in their congregations. So, what do you do?

If you lead or are part of a NoRM parish in the Church of England, this is probably a very important webinar for you and your congregation. If you can’t make it, email to get the video recording afterwards.

As usual, Sarah’s talk will be followed by Q&A . Then, assuming time allows, we’ll have a time in geographically-based Breakout Rooms to build relationships and pray for each other.

Book now – as always, it’s free! We’re really looking forward to seeing as many as possible of you.