In many places church revitalisation could be the best way to reach local people with the good news of Jesus.

In some places it might be the only way.

In partnership with ReNew, Church Society is hosting this series of bi-monthly webinars to connect, encourage and equip people in this ministry. Revitalisation ministry can be challenging and isolating, but God is calling more and more people to do it. If you are one of those people, or you are thinking about it, or you just want to know more about it, please join us.

Find out more about our Network of Revitalisation Ministries.

Next webinar

Parish Admin

Welcome to the NoRM (Network of Revitalisation Ministries) Webinar on parish admin, which this time is OPEN TO ALL CHURCH OF ENGLAND MINISTERS, WARDENS AND ADMINISTRATORS because, though aimed at multi-parish benefices, it will also apply to single parishes.
The plan is to have a Bible talk from Lee Gatiss, encouraging us from 2 Timothy to ‘Fulfil our Ministry’ (his new book!) followed by a talk from Andrew Cinnamond and then Q&As.

After working in two south London parishes, Andrew Cinnamond became Team Vicar of the Cotswolds South Team ministry. I tried adding up how many parishes there are in that benefice, but my eyes went crossed!! There are LOADS! And he’s been there since 2011, responsible for some of them, so he must have worked out some means of administrative survival. The webinar is, as usual, on the second Tuesday of the odd month, starts at 1pm (doors open 12:55). After a Bible reading from 2 Timothy by Church Society director Lee Gatiss, Andrew will speak and then take questions and comments before we divided into geographically-based Breakout Rooms to meet, chat and especially pray.

After Q&A’s, we’ll have a time in geographically-based Breakout Rooms to build relationships and pray for each other.

Book now – as always, it’s free! We’re really looking forward to seeing as many as possible of you. If you can’t make the webinar, email to get the video recording afterwards.