Author(s)Ros Clarke
Date 11 May 2022

The Mary Vere Fund is a new grant-making fund to support conservative evangelical women in the Church of England in their training and ministry.

Lady Mary Vere (1581-1671) was renowned for her godliness, and her commitment to theological study and debate.

Even today, many women who struggle to access formal theological education are nonetheless committed to study and to service in the church. In order to support such women, the Mary Vere Fund has been established by Church Society.

The Mary Vere Fund will make annual grants to women for training for ministry. Initial funding has been secured for the first awards, but we need donors who will give generously to establish the future of the fund and enable more women to benefit from it.

We hope that conservative evangelical churches will want to make regular or one-off donations to the fund, in order to ensure that there is an ongoing supply of women who are well-equipped for ministry in complementarian churches.

We also welcome donations from individuals who are committed to the ministry of women in non-ordained roles in the Church of England. These may be regular or one-off donations. Perhaps you could also consider making a bequest to the Mary Vere Fund in your will?


One-off donations and standing orders should be sent to:

Church Society Number 1 Account
Account number: 11771460
Sort Code: 16 00 11

Please contact the Church Society office to confirm that your donation is for the Mary Vere Fund and ensure that you have completed the Church Society Gift Aid Declaration here.