Author(s)Church Society
Date 15 May 2024
Category News

We are delighted to present a refreshed edition of Gospel Flourishing in a Time of Confusion: Wisdom from the Bible and Church History for Anglican Evangelicals, with a brand new cover.

This book addresses key questions facing Anglican Evangelicals at this moment of confusion and uncertainty. Should we stay in the CofE, and make use of the many gospel opportunities it affords? Or should we leave for pastures new, since things within the established church have become so difficult? What does it mean to be a “righteous remnant” in an apostate church, when everyone seems to be doing “what is right in their own eyes”? And are there lessons we can learn from how our ancestors handled these sorts of questions, not just in recent times but in the very earliest days of the church? Five bishops, pastors, and theologians offer here a resource to help us think through the issues, that the gospel of Jesus might flourish and spread in our nation.

With chapters by Rod Thomas, Wallace Benn, Rob Munro, James Hughes, and Lee Gatiss. You can order your copy here.


Flourishing in the Church of England. By Rod Thomas
A season for secession? By Wallace Benn
Everyone was doing what was right in their own eyes: a reflection on Judges 17-21. By James Hughes
Remaining faithful: the significance of the remnant in the prophets and today. By Rob Munro
Leaving and remaining: a brief history of secession. By Lee Gatiss
Flourishing in a hostile world: how the early church did it. By Lee Gatiss