Submissions are now invited for the 2023 Global Anglican Essay Prize, awarded by Church Society in conjunction with The Global Anglican theological journal.

The prize is designed to encourage new evangelical authors from the worldwide Anglican communion. The winner will receive £250 and the winning essay will be published in The Global Anglican. Essays should be 5-7,000 words in length, including footnotes, and may be from any theological discipline and on any subject, but must be in accordance with the aims of The Global Anglican as described below. The deadline for submissions is 1 October 2023.

The Global Anglican mission statement
The Global Anglican is a journal for the Church of England and global Anglicanism. Each issue aims to promote the faith of the Holy Scriptures and such teachings of the ancient Fathers and Councils of the Church as are agreeable to the said Scriptures. In particular such doctrine is to be found in the Thirty-nine Articles of Religion, The Book of Common Prayer, and the Ordinal, in line with the doctrinal position of Church Society.

The Global Anglican is a journal committed to excellence in upholding high academic standards in its articles, book reviews and editorial.

The Global Anglican is an ecclesiastical journal that aims to speak to the pastoral needs of the contemporary church.

The Global Anglican aims to equip ministers, students and lay people to persuade others of the eternal truths of our faith in Jesus Christ and the need for them to be applied today for the renewal of the church and the conversion of the world.

How to enter

  • Entries must be submitted electronically in BOTH Word and pdf formats to the Church Society office with ’Global Anglican Essay Prize’ in the subject line by 1st October, 2023.
  • No more than one entry will be accepted per person.
  • Entries must be accompanied by the entry form and must include a signed declaration that the essay is entirely the entrant’s own work.
  • Entrants must not have previously had an article published in Churchman or The Global Anglican, but may have contributed book reviews.
  • Entries must not have been previously published elsewhere or be in the process of consideration for publication elsewhere.
  • Entering the competition shall be taken as submission of the article for publication in The Global Anglican but any such publication shall be subject to the judgment of the editorial board.
  • Entries should follow The Global Anglican submission guidelines