The Global Anglican June 2023
In the June edition of The Global Anglican, Peter Jensen in his editorial writes, wisely as always, on the necessity for good politics. We cannot avoid politics, whether in the world, in the wider church, or in our own circles, so we should think about how to approach politics in a Christian way.
Harking back in history to patristic times, Christopher Murphy looks at the two exegetical schools of Alexandria and Antioch, and re-examines some modern assumptions about them. We are also privileged to have an article by Gerald Bray discussing the significance of the Father being unbegotten while the Son is begotten, in the foundational doctrine of the Trinity.
Jake Eggertsen provides an insightful examination of the office of the preacher, its distinctive nature and the character requirements that Scripture demands for it. Finally in this year of the 100th anniversary of Gresham Machen’s Christianity and Liberalism, Lee Gatiss recalls the arguments of this seminal work, with lessons for global Anglicans today.
The normal wide range of book reviews rounds out this issue.
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