The Global Anglican 136/4
In this issue of The Global Anglican, two articles consider important issues in contemporary ethics, and two come from the field of biblical studies, though also with an ethical perspective.
Alan Wenham offers a Christocentric response to the issue of spiritual abuse, arguing that this foundation is needed to improve our safeguarding and to guide us through this moral, metaphysical and methodological crisis of ethics. Jason Ward examines the question of nudity in culture and art, with respect to Christian liberty. Vernon Wilkins looks at the parable of the unrighteous manager in Luke 16:1-15, arguing that far from commending shrewdness, the parable teaches us to flee self-righteousness. Finally, Christopher Beckham turns to the book of Proverbs to see what is needed for a successful pursuit of wisdom.
Peter Jensen's editorial is a stirring call to the contemporary church to out-think, out-live and out-die the pagan world.
The issue concludes with a wide selection of book reviews, including both academic and popular works that will be of interest to our readers.
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