Seeking a Patronage Director
Seeking a Patronage Director
Church Society would like to appoint a part-time (approximately one day a week) Patronage Director to join their staff team on a voluntary basis.
This role would include working with our patronage churches and helping parishes in vacancy, responding to diocesan communications, reviewing our policies and processes, visiting PCCs, overseeing the transfer of patronages, and providing advice and support on these issues for our Partner Churches. The role would involve working with our Church Society Trust (Patronage Board) directors, the Church Society staff, and the Council of Church Society, under the leadership of our Director.
It is essential that any applicants have an excellent grasp of the laws, processes, and nuances of the patronage system as it operates in the Church of England, and has been involved in appointments. If ordained, they should hold a current license or PTO and be up to date on safeguarding training. They will also be expected to abide by our Policies and be in agreement with our Declaration of Faith which can be found here.
Please contact the Church Society office with a CV and references to apply, or to request further information, by Friday 7th February.