Author(s)Church Society
Date 28 September 2023
Categories FWS and FWS 2024
Tags FWS and FWS 2024

Booking is now open for the 2024 Fellowship of Word and Spirit Conference.

“Oh that you would rend the heavens and come down!” — Isaiah 64:1!

Do you feel the sense of urgency and hunger for God, that he might “rend the heavens and come down?” Oh how we need it! We cannot engineer revival, it is God’s sovereign work, but we do have our part to play in prayer. Are you not convicted by these rousing words from Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane: ‘He returned to his disciples and found them sleeping. “Couldn’t you keep watch with me for one hour?”’ (Matthew 26:40).

At the FWS Conference in 2024 we will be exploring the theme of revival in the Bible and the history of revivals in world. There will be sessions on mediaeval church history of revival and reform, lessons from J. C. Ryle and Jonathan Edwards, as well as a series of Bible readings on the theme. Following each of the main sessions, there will be a seminar where Lee Gatiss will interview the speaker and then give time for questions and discussion groups. Speakers include Simon Vibert, Bob Evans, Andrew Atherstone and Eddie Scrase-Field.

The Fellowship of Word and Spirit conference is committed to reformed theology and its application to the whole of life, and we seek to encourage and help each other wrestle with its challenges. We aim for genuine fellowship, with plenty of time for spiritual encouragement and prayer, for cultivating friendships old and new, and for resting from the usual frantic pace of ministry. The conference is open to lay people and clergy. Couples are encouraged to come together.

More details and the booking form can be found on the main FWS page here.