Ministry Monday: Be Faithful! Remaining Steadfast in the Church of England Today
This week, many will be meeting on the Church Society - Fellowship of Word & Spirit conference "Big Church". Which seems a good moment to tell you about our next gathering, at the annual Church Society conference and A.G.M. in June.
This year we'll be looking at the theme of faithfulness, and what it means to remain steadfast in the Church of England today. We live in a turbulent world, and life is not always easy for evangelicals within the storms of the Church of England. How can we move forward together, without being blown off course or losing our way?
Mike Ovey, Principal of Oak Hill, will speak on how we can be faithful teachers in an age of confusion, looking at the major threats to the truth of the gospel which face us in the church today.
Mark Pickles, Director of Anglican Ministry Training at Oak Hill, will help us to be faithful stewards in a fickle world, so that as men and women, clergy and lay people, serving the gospel in many different ways within the church we can withstand the pressures upon us from inside and outside.
And in the good bishop's 200th year, Lee Gatiss will speak on J.C. Ryle: A Faithful Anglican, and what we can learn from his example as we seek to spread the same good news as he did in the nineteenth century.
On the Friday before the main conference and AGM we will be joined by Dr Martyn Cowan, for this year's St Antholin's Lecture. He will be looking at The Prophetic Preaching of John Owen. In that great puritan's 400th year, what can we learn from him, for our own faithful proclamation of the gospel today?
You can download the conference flyer and booking form here, for more details.
So do join us at Oak Hill Theological College, London on 10th and/or 11th June 2016, for this invigorating treat!