Author(s)Church Society
Date 22 July 2024
Category JAEC 2024
Tag JAEC 2024

A slight change to the programme on the first day of this year's Junior Anglican Evangelical Conference will give us opportunity to consider the current situation in the Church of England as it affects delegates at different stages of training, selection and ministry. GETTING THE ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM will be hosted by Lee Gatiss and Ros Clarke, who will outline the present circumstances, timelines, and possible future outcomes. There will be guided discussion time, and an opportunity  to air your concerns and questions, so that we ensure the rest of the conference is used most effectively. Seminar speakers, session leaders and the panel discussion will all take time to address the issues raised, and of course there will be plenty of time to talk over meals and at the bar!

Download the revised programme.

This conference aims to help us be more effective as Anglican evangelicals, making the most of every opportunity to reach the lost for Jesus, build up the church through his word, and send workers into God’s harvest field. If you are in Anglican ministry, lay or ordained, and at any stage from exploring ministry through to a first incumbency, you are warmly invited to JAEC. Spouses and families are also very welcome to attend, though we are unable to provide childcare during the sessions.

Book now!

Please note that bookings received after 13 August may not be accommodated and will be subject to an additional £10 administration fee. No bookings will be
taken after 21 August.