Fight Valiantly! (New Expanded Edition) Digital


Fight Valiantly! Contending for the Faith against False Teaching in the Church (New expanded edition).

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What does it mean “to contend for the faith that was once for all delivered to the saints”? With so much confusion and argument in today’s church, how are Christians meant to think about and react to false teaching? How can we promote the gospel lovingly in a context of opposition?

In this biblical and practical book, aimed especially at ministers and church councils, Lee Gatiss provides a unique look at the Bible’s teaching on this neglected subject. As well as giving an in-depth survey of the New Testament’s teaching about contending for the gospel and countering heresy, he helps us consider some of the applications of this doctrine to the Church of England today.

Includes many real-life stories of people contending for the faith, and a Bible Study Guide for individuals or groups.

Lee Gatiss

Lost Coin Books

Digital format

Publication date
August 2022