Why I Am An Anglican: Simon Austen

'Anglicanism' is a notoriously amorphous word. Whilst once it may have generated a consensus of understanding as that which came out of the Protestant Reformation, the emergence of higher criticism…

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Eucharistic Signalling

You may not have heard of a Rainbow Eucharist. But the idea has been around for a while, and is celebrated in the gay press. Sometimes it might be called…

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GAFCON 2018, Jerusalem

Statistically, GAFCON 2018 was the largest global Anglican gathering in the last 50 years. It brought together 1,950 representatives from 50 countries, including 316 bishops, 669 other clergy and 965…

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My first CEEC meeting

The Church of England Evangelical Council (CEEC) is “a networks of networks, bringing evangelicals in the Church of England together for the sake of the gospel.” It exists to “encourage…

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