Equipping God’s people
to live God’s word

Welcome to Church Society online.

We are a fellowship contending to reform and renew the Church of England in biblical faith.

We run conferences, provide support for church leaders and publish resources including a weekly podcast and email newsletter.​

A Month With The Messiah

30 devotional reflections on the libretto from Handel's Messiah, from musicians, theologians, pastors and others. A MONTH WITH THE MESSIAH is an ideal gift for yourself or someone else for Lent or Easter this year.

The Global Anglican

The theological journal of Church Society, this is now available as a digital subscription, making it even easier and more affordable to access anywhere in the world. Each quarterly issue includes an editorial from Peter Jensen, one or more pieces offering a global perspective on current issues, several articles from different areas of theology and reviews of a wide range of books and resources.